News Karnataka
Thursday, June 27 2024


How Water Tanker Drivers Meet the Needs of Bangalore Citizens

14-May-2024 Bengaluru

In Bengaluru, the IT heart of India, Basavaraj drives a water tanker and has to leave his house by 6:30 a.m. every day to fetch enough water for his customers, who now rely on him for a very fundamental...

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Bangalore Cops to Fine Those Exceeding 80 Kmph

14-May-2024 Bengaluru

Following an increase in accidents on the busy stretch of airport road, cameras have been deployed to detect speeders who violate the 80 kmph speed...

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Cardiologist’s Son Tops CBSE Math with 100 Percent

14-May-2024 Bengaluru

Many were happy to see a delighted father's X post revealing his son's results in the CBSE Class 10 exams. The father, a Bengaluru-based cardiologist,...

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Groom Goes on an Electric Scooter Instead of Horse

14-May-2024 Bengaluru

Another "Peak Bengaluru" event occurred recently when a man from the area chose a more modern form of transportation for his distinctive baraat instead of...

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Bangalore Weather Sends Planes Diveating to Chennai

13-May-2024 Bengaluru

On Sunday, May 12, nine planes were diverted to Chennai due to heavy rain in Bengaluru, which caused disruptions to airport operations, as reported by...

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Bangalore Now Spreading Itself Towards Microcities

13-May-2024 Bengaluru

Brigade Road in the central business district was for a very long time, and for very apparent reasons, the epitome of Bengaluru culture, complete with...

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Bangalore Leading Tech Space in India, Followed by Chennai

13-May-2024 Bengaluru

The Annual Digital Skills Report FY24 from business solutions supplier Quess Corp has shown that, despite navigating global challenges, tech hiring in the country remains...

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Actor Chetan Attacked by a Gang of Men Near Bangalore

13-May-2024 Bengaluru

The well-known Kannada actor Chetan Chandra, who has been in popular films including PUC, Premism, Rajadhani, and Jarasandha, is said to have had a terrifying...

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Another Signboard that Sparks Humor Among Netizens

13-May-2024 Bengaluru

Occasionally, there are certain board signs that make us laugh out loud. And now, that same kind of board has people in stitches. This is...

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Bangalore Airport Ceiling Leakage Due to Heavy Rains

11-May-2024 Bengaluru

While the city struggled with a severe water problem, fresh rain brought relief to Bengaluru residents, but it also created delays for flights at Kempegowda...

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Lakeside Wedding Destinations Rising in Bangalore

11-May-2024 Bengaluru

The concept of the sanctity of marriage is still developing in today's dynamic society. Marriage represents the profound joining of souls, a bond observed and...

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