News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Another Signboard that Sparks Humor Among Netizens

Photo Credit : Google

Occasionally, there are certain board signs that make us laugh out loud. And now, that same kind of board has people in stitches. This is a classic example of how a sign that read “follow someone home” was put up by Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) and went spectacularly wrong.

The user @mollyyyy04 posted a photo of this board on X. The caption for the photo she shared said, “Not sure they are getting the right message across.”

The entire wording, “Follow traffic rules; someone is waiting at home for you,” is visible in the image. However, it reads more like “follow someone home” because of the way the poster is made.

The entire wording, “Follow traffic rules; someone is waiting at home for you,” is visible in the image. However, it reads more like “follow someone home” because of the way the poster is made.

Someone wrote, “Things get interesting when someone looks at the sign and starts singing ‘Every breath you take’ by ‘The Police'” .

Another said, “Oh no! The literal interpretation could land someone in legal hot water. In that particular situation, it is necessary to “read between the lines” in order to determine the true meaning.”

A third said, “This is what happens when you put a designer in charge of marketing.”

A fourth commented, saying, “Dayum, that’s what happens when you don’t check it twice or give it some thought. produces an unanticipated irony.”

An further participant said, “This is what happens when someone tries too hard.”

A sixth added, “Definitely not issued in the interest of public safety.”


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