Krishnarajapete :The national SC Commission member Kagalavady Shivanna while on his surprise visits to hostels here, taken the warden into task over the irregularities.
Shivanna was angry to see dirty toilets, bathrooms without doors and students plight of sleeping on floors without mats. He has taken the taluk social welfare officer Sudhamani and warden Devaraju into task, who failed in maintaining basic amenities at the hostel, as the students are away from the love and care of their parents and its expected the warden to care and allow them to lead disciplined life.
The inmates said that stale food is being offered and the served food is not sufficient for them. When they plea the warden to provide them hygienic and tasty food, he threatens them to eat whatever is being provided otherwise vacate the hostel. The hostel housed in a rented building is not fit for human to live. They needed better environment to study to live as humans with due emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene, said the inmates to Shivanna.
Shivanna reacted that the government is spending Rs 1,200 per month on each student for food. The food should be prepared as per menu chart with due emphasis on cleanliness and taste. The fresh vegetables and pulses had to be used in making curries. If in case, the food is not prepared as per menu, it has to be reported to district social welfare officer or the local representative to get their rightful facilities, said Shivanna.