Mangalore:The state health minister UT Khader has told that the Vajapeyi Arogyashree project has been implemented in DK and Udupi districts.
He was addressing the media in the press meet held in the Indian Medical Association Hall Mangalore.
He said “There was a delay in the implementation of the project in the districts due to elections and after the implementation, medical facilities worth 433.31 lac have been already provided in the district to 1140 people have been benefitted from this project.
This project intends to provide health facilities to the below poverty line families up to the limit of Rs. 1,50,000 per anum and the BPL families must possess the BPL card provided the Food and Supply dept.
The BPL families can get the treatment in the following private specialty hospitals along with the govt. hospitals and do not have to spend a single penny for the treatment.”
The hospitals are:
1. AJ Hospital
2. Father Muller medical college hospital
3. Justice KS Hegde Charitable hospital
4. Kasturba hospital
5. Unity health care complex and
6. Yenepoya specialty hospital
Executive director of the Family Welfare Dept. Dr. Boregowda and regional Officer , Dr. Ramesh were present at the press meet.