In a heartbreaking incident in Kumpala Hanuman Nagar near Ullal, a father of two tragically ended his own life, prompting his wife to attempt suicide as well. Financial difficulties are believed to have been the driving force behind this devastating act.
The deceased, identified as Yogish (44), resided in Kumpala Hanuman Nagar and worked in centering. He was found hanging from a wooden log on the roof of the washroom adjacent to his house.
Yogish, who was a member of a self-help group, reportedly used Rs 40,000 from the group without depositing it in the bank. On Sunday morning, fellow group members visited Yogish’s residence, urging him to rectify the situation by depositing the funds. It is speculated that the weight of shame led Yogish to take his own life.
The Ullal police promptly intervened, shifting Yogish’s body for post-mortem and initiating a case. Meanwhile, Yogish’s wife also attempted suicide. However, quick-thinking locals intervened, preventing her from causing harm and offering support in her time of distress.
Yogish leaves behind his wife, two young sons, and his mother. The incident underscores the importance of seeking help in times of distress, with a plea issued to those struggling to reach out to mental health experts. A toll-free helpline number (9152987821) is provided for assistance and support.