In a heartbreaking incident in Kumpala Hanuman Nagar near Ullal, a father of two tragically ended his own life, prompting his wife to attempt suicide as well. Financial difficulties are believed to have been the driving force behind this devastating...
Know MoreThe book Courage Is Calling discusses the worth of courage and encourages you to practise it. The writer and speaker Ryan Holiday imagines what a...
Know MoreWe all can find happiness within ourselves, which is the basis of The Courage to Be Disliked. There is no secret recipe for happiness; everyone...
Know MoreProminent Motivational Speaker and Author Robin S. Sharma has authored several self-help books on leadership, time management,...
Know MoreCollege girl Muskaan Khan from Mandya who confronted a crowd by raising slogans of "Allah hu Akbar" during protests that broke out on hijab row,...
Know MoreRCB skipper Virat Kohli was left dejected after a second loss here and said that 15-20 runs on the board would have...
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