In a heartbreaking incident in Kumpala Hanuman Nagar near Ullal, a father of two tragically ended his own life, prompting his wife to attempt suicide as well. Financial difficulties are believed to have been the driving force behind this devastating...
Know MoreThe Jana Shikshana Trust, known for its proactive involvement in voter awareness initiatives, concluded its 48-day campaign with a meaningful sanitation effort along the Mudipu...
Know MoreIn an effort to combat breast cancer, a free screening and awareness camp was organized by Centre-rum Safdarjung Hospital in collaboration with an NGO. The...
Know MoreOn Wednesday, April 10, the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) Committee of Dakshina Kannada embarked on an innovative approach to promote voting awareness...
Know MoreThe Rotary District of 3181 recently organized the "Rotary on Wheels" programme across four revenue districts—Dakshina Kannada, Kodagu, Mysuru, and Chamarajanagara—with the aim of promoting...
Know MoreIn Mangaluru's Dakshina Kannada (DK) district, the local administration has initiated a collaborative effort to enhance voter awareness. Educational institutions, along with students, have been...
Know MoreIn a bid to enhance voter awareness, the SVEEP committee of Dakshina Kannada has introduced a pioneering initiative called 'Election Focus' – an e-magazine to...
Know MoreA young fourth-grade student from Bantwal taluk, who previously spearheaded voter awareness initiatives during the Karnataka assembly elections, has taken her efforts a step...
Know MoreIn Mangaluru, the Karnataka State Election Commission (SEC) has lauded the efforts of a nine-year-old girl, Sannidhi LS Kashekodi, for her voluntary involvement in Systematic...
Know MoreIn honor of the golden jubilee year celebrations of Karnataka Police, both Mangaluru City police and Udupi district police organized drug awareness runs on...
Know MoreHere is another instance of a youth doing something towards the progress of our society in India with a team that comes forward to spread...
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