News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Jana Shikshana Trust Voter Awareness Campaign with Sanitation Drive

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The Jana Shikshana Trust, known for its proactive involvement in voter awareness initiatives, concluded its 48-day campaign with a meaningful sanitation effort along the Mudipu – Ira Cross Road in Mangaluru Assembly constituency. In line with their commitment to civic engagement, trust members organized a cleanup campaign involving volunteers, notably students, on Wednesday.

Sanitation Drive and Voter Pledge

Trust director Sheena Shetty led the event by administering a solemn pledge on voting to the villagers. Emphasizing the importance of civic participation, Shetty highlighted the active involvement of students and sanitation volunteers in clearing waste and cleaning drainages along the road. The collected waste was responsibly transferred to the ‘Swachh Sankeerna’ facility in Balepuni village. Alongside the sanitation activities, awareness on the significance of voting was raised through songs and slogans.

Citizenship and Responsibility

Shetty underscored the responsibility of every citizen in maintaining litter-free villages and viewing voting as a fundamental duty. He urged people to actively participate in cleanliness drives to uphold community well-being.

Campaign Origins and Objectives

Another director, Krishna Moolya, revealed that the voter awareness campaign was initiated under the ‘Apna Desh Model Village Development’ framework, coinciding with International Women’s Day. Moolya urged citizens to elect eligible candidates to ensure transparent and corruption-free governance.

Community Support and Engagement

Kunrnadu gram panchayat development officer Keshava and other community leaders also voiced their support for the initiative, emphasizing the importance of citizen engagement in both civic and electoral processes.

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