Newskarnataka – Mangalore
Mangalore: During the 27th Statutory Conference of AIFUCTO, Dr Norbert Lobo, president of AMUCT, was elected the vice-president of All India Federation of University and College Teachers organizations (AIFUCTO).
AIFUCTO, established in 1962 is the largest teachers’ organization in the world with nearly 5 lac members. Dr Lobo has the distinction of being the first person from colleges under Mangalore University to be elected to the post of vice-president of AIFUCTO.
Dr Lobo has been teaching economics at St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore since 1991. At present he is the associate professor and head, department of economics, visiting faculty to the PG department of economics and chief editor of Al-Shodhana: A Bi-Annual Multi Disciplinary Refereed Research Journal with ISSN Assignment, published by St Aloysius College (Autonomous).
He has authored the following books: Migration and Migrants, Rural-Urban Migration and Rural Unemployment in India, Indian Economy, Money and Public Finance, Indian Economy: Issues and Reforms; and edited the following books: Privatization of Commercial Banks: Present Position and Future Options, Indian Banking: Issues and Concerns, Karavali Karnatakada Arthavyavasthe: Hindinida Indinavarege, and Development of Coastal Karnataka: Possibilities and Problems.
Several of his research articles have been published in research journals of repute. He has also served as the editor of AMUCT Bulletin for over 5 years.
A well-known career counselor and trainer, Dr Lobo has conducted over 550 workshops / programs for students and parents at different places and for various faculties, contributed over 50 articles, presented 23 radio programs and served as a resource person in live programs on radio and cable TV on career guidance and planning.