Mangalore : New Mangalore Port in the current fiscal 2012-2013 handled a record traffic of 37.04 million tonnes of cargo as against 32.94 million tones handled in 2011-12 registering the growth of 12.43% over last year. This is the highest quality of traffic ever handled at the Port, said Dr P Tamilvanan, Chairman of NMPT.
Speaking at the press meet held at NMPT conference hall on April 4, Thursday, he said that the Port has also achieved 2.88% growth over the target fixed the Ministry of Shipping.
She said that the growth is due to increase in handling of coal, POL crude and products, coal, maize, containerized cargoes, etc. The container traffic consistently increased by 7.55% by handling a record number of 48, 409 TEU’s as against 45,009 TEUS in previous year. The Railway traffic has grown by 55% by handling 6 million tonnes during the current year as against 3.9 million tonnes handled during previous year.
Speaking about the records and achievements in 2012-13, Chairman said that the highest traffic throughput of 37.04 million tonnes surpassing the earlier record of 36.69 million tonnes handled in 2008-09.
It has also handled highest qty of 6.91 million tonnes of coal during 2012-13 surpassing the earlier record of 4.02 million tonnes handled in 2011-12.
Highest export traffic of 27.32 million tonnes surpassing the earlier record of 23.68 million tonnes of 2011-12. Highest Container traffic of 48,409 TEUs by surpassing earlier record of 45,009 TEUs handled in 2011-12(growth of 7.55%).
NMP has also handled the highest qty of 7899 TEUs of reefer cargo exported as against 6534 TEUs handled in 2011-12. Highest export of 250 TEUs handled in Main Line Container vessel on 11-2-2013 (M.V. HANS PEPENBURG).
Highest qty of 7899 TEUs of raw cashew handled in 2012-13 surpassing the earlier record of 6534 TEUs handled in 2011-12, highest qty of 311 TEUs of Machinery exported during 2012-13, Highest qty of 798 TEUs of Fish Oil exported during 2012-13 as against 630 TEUs handled in previous year. Highest qty of 2101 TEUs of Fish meal exported during 2012-13 as against 1844 TEUs of previous year. New cargo – Liquid glucose from Haveri and machinery from Shimoga started moving through the Port. Highest number of 12 rakes handled in a day on 22-3-2013 at the NMPT Railway Marshalling Yard.
Highest number of 192.5 rakes handled in a month during March 2013. Very Large passenger vessel M.V. Brilliance of Seas (LOA 293.3 mtrs) handled at the Port on 1-4-2012 & 12-4-2012. Large bulk cargo vessel carrying South African Coal with a parcel size 1,01,604 metric tonnes handled during the current year. 14 gearless container vessels handled in 2012-13. 10,196 passengers in 15 cruise vessels were handled in 2012-13.
NMPT has also received 13th Annual Greentech Environmental -2012 Award in the Gold category for Port Sector for 2012.
Speaking on the Financial Highlights, he said that for the 8th consecutive year, the Port Net Surplus is likely to cross Rs.100 crores(Rs.138 crore).
The developmental Projects will comprise of Construction of POL berth (Rs.79 crore, SPM for MRPL, Improvement to Port roads and development of storage yards, Setting up of facilities for Bulk Cement Terminal by M/s Ambuja Cements Ltd.(Rs.95 crores). The facility is expected to be commissioned shortly. It will also construct a new multi-purpose berth(No.18) for handling general cargo and containers, Port Trust Board approved the const. of 2 addl. Storage sheds inside the port area for storage of food grains and fertilizer(20,000 tonnes capacity).
The new Equipments procured during the year 2012-13 are 45 T Reach Stacker procured for handling containers, 1 Forklift Truck, Additional High Mast Tower Lights at KK Gate & Wharf area.
During the financial year 2012-13, the Port conducted several in-house training programmes for the Officers and employees through NMU/IMU/NITK and Port faculty. 336 officers/staff were imparted training in various subject modules and 242 cargo handling were also trained in safety and material handling during the year to achieve better productivity, safety and quality in cargo handling activities . No major accidents occurred in port operations during 2012-13.
The port is equally committed to involve in social service projects and has contributed to various causes.
Future Projects: Development of LNG Terminal :- The Port has entered into MoU with ONGC, BPCL & Mitsui, Japan for carrying out Feasibility Study
Dy Chairman TSN Murthy was present at the press meet.