Mangalore: Fr Denzil Lobo, rector of St Aloysius college institutions , Mangalore blessed and inaugurated Gonzaga Kindergarten on 10th July .This is a dream envisioned by the Jesuits with a rich and unmatched legacy of 133 years.
Fr Elvis Lewis , Manger of Gonzaga school blessed the play area. The Gonzaga staff conducted a short prayer service entreat Gods blessings on their new venture of the Kindergarten block.
On this event the Gonzaga Kindergarten students presented a beautiful welcome dance. Aditya Thomas of class V welcomed the gathering. Principal of Gonzaga Ms Grace Noronha introduced the chief guest to the gathering and briefed on the Gonzaga school activities since its commencement. She also announced that the school had won the British Council international school award for 2013.
While addressing the audience the chief guest Fr Denzil Lobo, extended his good wishes to the new school for attaining greater glory in the days to come, and briefed about St Aloysius college, its history and the contribution of Jesuits towards education.
Fr Elvis Lewis , the school manager highlighted the achievements and developments of Gonzaga school from its commencement . Other diginitaries who graced the occasion included Fr Leo D’souza , Fr Walter Andrade, and Fr Alphonso .
The vote of thanks was proposed by Leroy DSouza of class 6, the prefect of the school .The programme was compered by Preethan Pereira, the kindergarten teacher and Jacintha Dcosta. The programme concluded with the school anthem.