News Karnataka
Friday, February 07 2025

Central team visits areca plantations affected by Kole disease

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Bantwal : A team of scientists deputed by the Union Government visited areca plantations which have  been affected by the  Kole or Mahali disease  in various places  of the taluk on October 4, Friday.

The visiting delegation included Dr Batla,  Advisor of the National Horticultural Mission, Delhi,  Tamil Selvan of the Union Ministry of Agriculture, two directors of the  Areca and Spice Growers Development Corporation, Cochin and an officer of the CPCRI of Kasargod.

The visiting team gathered details of the nearly 90 per cent crop loss suffered by Yashwanth Shetty,  Timmappa Rai, Sesappa Moolya of Kallige village, Eliyas Sequeira of B Mooda village, Padmanabha Rai of Goltamajalu village and  Monappa  Poojari and Giriyappa Gowda of Veerakamba village.

Dr Dundi, Joint Director of the State Horticultural Department, HR Yogish, District Deputy Director, Praveen, Assistant Director, Sanjeeva Naik, Assistant Director of Bantwal Taluk Horticultural Department and others were present and  explained  the problems faced by the growers to the Central team.

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