News Karnataka
Tuesday, February 11 2025

Central Study Team gathers info on Excessive Rain Losses

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Pics: Kishore Peraje

Bantwal: The motorcade was passing with siren at full blare, while the locals were wondering what is happening. No sooner the locals were thinking why so many cars arrived in their village, the study was over.  This is how the union ministry joint secretary R K Srivatsav led study team that arrived in the taluk to assess the losses caused by excess rains and disease infected areca plantation.

In spite the study team was to visit several villages across the taluk, the study team arrived in Bantwal and viewed the areca plantations in the neighbourhood of Nalkemar, near here and also viewed the Kempugudde Road that was damaged due to landslide.  The study team arrived Gurpur – Kaikamba – Polali to reach Bantwal, while midway viewed the areca plantations owned by Richard Monteiro, Veronica D’Souza, Alwyn D’Souza, Alban D’Souza and others which has been affected by the disease.   

The study team only alighted out of their cars to hold talks with peasants.  The study team also reviewed the flood-hit bridge along Kempugudde Road.

Meanwhile, in a few places when the farmers were waiting eagerly for the study team to arrive, the study team left Bantwal towards Puttur. The study team rested for a while at Circuit House.

The study team comprised Regional Transport Officer (RTO) and highways Sanjay Garg, planning Commission senior researcher Muralidharan, Chennai-based Tobacco board designated director K Manoharan.

DK Deputy Commissioner N Prakash, zilla panchayat CEO Tulasi Maddineni, plantation department district deputy director H R Yogish, Mangalore assistant commissioner Prashant, Tahsildar Malleswamy, plantations assistant director Sanjeev Naik, ZP engineer explained the various issues of taluk to the study team.

All information given – DC

DK DC N Prakash addressing the media persons at Nalkemar, near here along with study team, said that excessive rain losses were brought to the attention of study team.  The areca plantations affected by disease were inspected, the damaged roads and estimated losses also provided to the study team.

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