Bantwal : The armed guards indeed were a highlight in the assembly elections held on Sunday May 5. The rural people who have seen camouflaged armed guards in TV and newspapers were surprised to find them in their midst.
The armed guards of 3 – 5 were found to be guarding the each polling centers, while their chit-chat, seriousness indeed likened by a few voters, but the AK-47 terrified a few. A few of them aghast whether armed guards are required for free voting, while the security indeed assured them to vote without fear.
Each armed guards manning a polling center from within the 100 meters enabled free voting. An armed guard was inspecting the voters slip while another was queuing up the voters, when a third was allowing each one at the entrance. The rest of them were keeping a close vigil outside. The elderly and sick voters were helped on humanitarian grounds to help them to vote at the earliest.
An armed guard, in chat with this reporter, said, Mangalore is nice, but the heat is too much. While another said, I have come to Mangalore for the first time, my face is fatigued because of scorching sun, said the other.
The armed guards who arrived from across the nation, indeed helped in peaceful assembly elections in Karnataka. The Election Commission has proven that it is in full control of elections, by methodical arrangement and security. The voters salute the brave soldiers who are guarding the nation done their mite at the polling centers.