Newskarnataka – Mangalore
Mangalore: A seminar on “Changing Paradigms of Higher Education-12th Plan Initiatives” will be organized by the 27th Statutory Conference of All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organizations to be held in Mangalore for three day.
Dr AM Narahari Conference Chairman informed the media personal’s on Thursday November 28, that the conference is scheduled on November 30 and December 1 and 2, 2013 by AMUCT at Loyola Hall, St Aloysius PU College Mangalore. Over 1500 teachers from more than 20 states from all over the country will be participating in the national seminar.
The union minister for Transportation, Road & Highways Dr Oscar Fernandes, will inaugurate the conference at 10.30 am on November 30, 2013 which will be presided B RamanathRai, Minister for Forest, Environment, and Ecology who will release the conference souvenir.
Vinayakumar Sorake, Minister for Urban Development will be the Chief Guest; JR Lobo MLA; Captain Ganesh Karnik MLC; Fr Denzil Lobo, Rector of St Aloysius Institutions; Dr BL Bhagyalakshmi, Director of Collegiate Education and Office bearers of AIFUCTO and FUCTAK will be the guests of honour.
The National Seminar will be inaugurated at 10.30 am on December 1, Minister of State for Fisheries and Youth Services, Abhayachandra; Principal, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous, Fr Swebert D’Silva will preside over.
Professor RaviSrivastava, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi and Professor Sudhanshu Bhushan, NUEPA (National University for Educational Planning and Administration) will present their view points on issues concerning higher education.
The Conference will highlight on various issues of higher education and Movement Resolutions will be passed.
Dr Norbert Lobo, president and organizing secretary, Professor Ashok Barman, General Secretary, AIFUCTO, Purushotham KV, General Secretary, AMUCT, Dr DenisFernandes, Editor, AMUCT Website, Dr UmmappaPoojary, Convenor, Accommodation Committee were also present for the press meet.