Police in Karnataka conducted a raid on the residence of Naresh Soni, the owner of Hema Jewellers in Kambali Bazaar, Ballari, on Sunday, resulting in the seizure of assets worth Rs 7.6 crore. The confiscated items comprised Rs 5.60 crore...
Know MoreDr. Vidya Kumari, Deputy Commissioner of Udupi, announced the seizure of Rs 8.80 lakh in cash within the Udupi-Chikkamagaluru constituency limits under the model code...
Know MoreElection officials have seized undocumented diamond, gold and silver articles valued at around Rs 4 crore in Karnataka's Chikkamagaluru...
Know MoreIn a serious step to put an end to drugs, the Mangalore police recently came forward to destroy 65 lakhs worth of ganja during the...
Know MoreThe CCB Police has arrested one person for allegedly transporting the banned drug MDMA from Bengaluru to...
Know MoreA group of terrorists have seized a police station in Bannu city located in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, resulting in the deaths of two cops...
Know MoreSearches were conducted on Sunday November 20 at a house in Mysore where the man suspected to be involved in the Mangaluru autorickshaw blast lived...
Know MoreThe Police has seized about 61 kgs of ganja grown near R. Achchammanahalli Village at Thirumani Gram Panchayat of Nagalamadike Hobli in the...
Know MoreMaharashtra State Excise Vigilance Department swooped on a warehouse in Thane and seized spurious Indian-Made Foreign Liquor (Goa made) of various well-known brands, worth over...
Know MoreThe United States provided more than $7 billion worth of military equipment to the former Afghan government, according to sources, much of it ended up...
Know MoreThe Russian assets will be placed under the management of the National Investment Fund of Ukraine and will be used for strengthening the Ukrainian army,...
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