A tragic incident unfolded in Thumbay village, Bantwal, on Saturday, resulting in the untimely demise of Nagaraj, aged 55, who was struck by a motorcycle. The accident occurred when Deepak Shetty, traveling from Mangaluru to BC Road, collided with the...
Know MoreAn under-construction bridge collapsed in Mallippady, Bantwal, near here on Tuesday, resulting in injuries to seven individuals, as confirmed by the...
Know MoreIn a positive development, Pilathabettu and Manila gram panchayats in Bantwal taluk of Dakshina Kannada district have been declared 'TB Mukt Panchayats', signaling a significant...
Know MoreA collision between a government bus and a car occurred on Sunday, March 17, at Bambila on the Bantwal-Beltangady National Highway, resulting in serious injuries...
Know MoreThe wife of Vasantha from Tenja Kajekaru, 40 year old Sujatha, married for only ten years was excited to have her first baby, an excitement...
Know MoreIn a bold incident, four individuals donning masks entered the residence of Florine Pinto...
Know MoreThe crime occurred at the Shriram Wine Shop, which is close to the Vitla private bus stop. The thief entered the store as a customer,...
Know MoreThere has been another incident of a confrontation between a passenger and a KSRTC bus conductor regarding the transportation of goods; this time, it happened...
Know MoreSadly, an Anganwadi center in Shanti Gudde, close to Bondala, Panemangaluru hamlet, was the target of robbers. The government runs programs called anganwadi centers to...
Know MoreNauseen, a resident of Subhash Nagar in Sajeep Muda village, had entered into a love marriage with Azman from Ullal just three months...
Know MoreA fatal accident occurred on the Peruvayi-Beripadavu Road in Bantwal, involving an auto-rickshaw and a scooter, resulting in the tragic demise of a...
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