News Karnataka
Wednesday, September 11 2024

How Nupur’s Dream to Quit Google Turned Out to be a Nightmare

How Dave’s Dream to Quit Google Turned Out to be a Nightmare
Photo Credit : YouTube

Nupur Dave was 40 the day she quit Google, all set for the life that lay ahead. 11 years in the US was good enough, or so she thought. And why not, after a decade of having earned 82 lakhs a year. 

She wanted an early retirement, but retirement came with surprises, and with the surprise came the regret. If only Nupur Dave stayed on at her work, no not for the money. There are other things in life that matter in the end, things Nupur enjoyed and realized only at her retirement. 

So, what did Nupur enjoy that she now regrets her retirement? What was it that made her cry her eyes out just two days following her retirement. Well, for some it is obvious, the friends! 

What Nupur thought would be a peaceful and quiet life of writing, evenings with friends and networking with people who shared similar interests, turned out to be something wholly different. 

Because the sad truth is that nothing can replace the kind of relationships you share with what you know today as office friends. It is only when you sit with your dream cup of quiet coffee by yourself do you feel the pinch of not having around you what you call colleagues cum friends. 

The 40 year old did all she could to get her old life back again, hopping from place to place in the hope of a similar surroundings, but alas, the life that you have grown to love for the past ten years can have little replacement. 

The grass on the other side of the fence is always green, they say, and so, this is a lesson for all of us in the end, when little mishaps at work leave us dreaming of mornings by ourselves and yearning to walk out to only turn back and regret. 

Life sure gives us a lot of lemons, but it is only when the lemons stop coming, do we realize how much we miss those tall glasses of lemonade. 

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