Media Release
Dubai: As announced earlier Vamanjooreans UAE to entertain UAE audience with twin dramas on May 30 as a part of their parish feast celebrations which falls on May 1. The first one being award winning ever green social drama “Chintnen Sabdanani Karnen” by well-known writer MicMax and acted by only Vamanjooreans specially flown from Vamanjoor, Mangalore to stage this very famous award winning drama.
The second konkani comedy dramatitled : “Kazarachi Dotorn” by play write Late M.P. D’Sawill also be staged on the same day and this hilarious will be acted by U.A.E. talents most of them are members of Sangon Mugdana team.
The twin dramas will be staged at the Sh. Rashid Auditorium on Friday 30th May 2014 and the show will start sharp at 6:30pm. The Hilarious Konkani drama “ Kazarachi Dotorn “ written by play write M.P. D’Sa no doubt will provide the tonic of laughter to the audience and this is drama they should be waiting to watch and enjoy.
“KazarachiDotorn” will be performed by well-known actors of U.A.E. namely:JochimUdyavar, RicherdSampige, Godwin Attur and Stephen Menezes Vamanjoor and will be directed by Stephen Menezes Vamanjoor.
Now trend has moved from watching monotonus stage shows/concerts to watch some beautiful dramas in U.A.E and hopefully many more drama will be shown in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
A brief on Actors of “KazarchiDotorn”:
Jochim D’souza Udyaver, is one of the finest comedianshailing from Udyaver/Udupi and has acted in many famous comedy plays such as “PedeistasoBongostol”, “SairekesoMalo”, “Jebli Jelly”, “Javyan Ooru Ooru Mojiem Lonchem”. The audience will love his performance as he will be playing the main role in this drama.
Richard Saldanha, is a familiar figure in Konkani dramas, his dedication and hardwork has made him a great actor. The UAE audience has already watched his acting skills as he has acted mainly in many hilarious dramas titled “:SangonMugdana” which was staged five times successfully in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Doha, . “SoglenDivnchenTanem”, “KonachenAikonchen?”, “MogMolakMelana”, “BokulBosthu”. He has also acted for Konkani Web Serial “Lisanvachin Larhan”.
Godwin Castelino, is a popularactor for UAE audience and is a very talented comedian. He has acted infamous drama “AamiNatthlyaVelaar”. This drama was played in UAE, India, Doha and Kuwait. He has also acted in two other hilarious comedy dramas written by UAE based play write Pradeep Paladka “SangonMugdana and “OotreUzwadlem”. UAE audience will love to see his acting skills in KazarachiDhothorne for sure.
Stephen Menezes, another talented actor from Vamanjoor. It is said that acting is running in his blood and no doubt to watch for another great actor who has acted with talented actors from Vamanjoor. A few of dramas he has acted are: “Aang Bizlear Masli Meltha” and “Amka Lotri Utlya”
On May 2 U.A.E. audience watched two best dramas performed by Mand Soban Kalakars and hence the taste to watch more drams has increased ever since and here come Vamanjooreans U.A.E to quench the thirst of U.A.E. konkani drama lovers and provide them the best of the best dramas performed by all famous artists from Mangalore and U.A.E.
The first drama staged on the same day is an award winning konkani social drama: “Chintnen Sobdan Ani Karnen”
As announced previously the award winning Konkani social drama “ChintnenSobdanAniKarnen” will be performed by well-known actors from Vamanjoor namely Jerald Monteiro Mangalore, one of the top actor, privileged to act with late Cha Pra, awarded best actor at the Diocese level drama competition and acted in many konkani dramas and won accolades. To name a few: “Shiri Gundi Simanve”, “KD Bona”, “Dakter Dusman”, ‘Anvnkar Mesthri”, “Rathichim Voram Aat”.
Another talented artist SapnaCrastawho will play lead role in this drama. She has given mesmerizing performance in her last appearance in the play “Bhangar Munis ’ staged in Dubai and staged by Mangalore Konkans Dubai in 2012. Other talented actress is AssunthaPais who had also acted in ‘BhnagarMunis ’. Roshan M .Kamath, Mario Roche and Denzil Fernandes will be supporting actors of this drama.
The play “Chintnen, Sobdan Ani Karnen” will be directed by award winning director Denis Monteiro, who has acted and directed almost all of Cha Pra’s dramas. Vamanjoor’s young music director and singer Royston Pinto will be providing music for this drama.
The main goal of Vamanjoor association is to help under privileged of their parish. Special attraction of the drama is to introduce Vamanjoorean talented actors to UA.E. audience and all actors will be specially flown from Vamanjoor. All the proceedings of the twin dramas will go back to their parish to support for medical, educational causes and for under privileged to stand on their feet and live a standard dignified life.
Early bird will awarded: Organizers have promised to start the program @ dot 6.00, gates opens @ 5.00. Those who enters to the hall first and occupy their seats will get the attractive prizes. So don’t be late and regret… come in time and enjoy the most famous twin dramas of the year: “Chintnen Sobdan AniKarnen” and “ Kazarachi Dotorn”
Buses are arranged from Abu Dhabi(picking and dropping is available), for more info Kindly call to Wilfy – President;Konkan Pearls 050-8262978, Vincent – 056-1207840 Ronald 050-6720348, Bhasker Shetty (Al Shakira Tailors) 050-4434981
Fujairah – Prakash Mascarenhas(President Canara Catholic Association) 050-6759189
Dubai-Jhoncy-050-7282738, Ronney – 050-4503425, Sharjah – Stephen 055-6543161, Jerry – 050-4621410.Tickets are also provided @ your door step while calling the above numbers.