News Karnataka
Friday, February 07 2025

Mogaveers Bahrain to award meritorious students of community

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Manama, Bahrain:  As  part of the  first programme of its decennial year, the Mogaveers Bahrain has decided to offer educational awards to meritorious students. In this regard, it has invited applications from students of the community who have excelled in the SSLC exams conducted by the Karnataka Higher Secondary Education Board in March 2014.

Students who have pursued education in any medium of instruction can apply for the scholarships. Students who have  scored high marks and passed in distinction,  should submit their applications along with a certified  copy of marks card, their name, address and contact details to the following address through ordinary post by 30-07-2014.

Mr. Leeladhar Baikampady
Mogaveers Bahrain
Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain.

From among the applicants, the top three scorers  will be selected  for the  first three prizes and will be awarded cash prizes  of Rs 10,000, Rs 7000 and Rs 5,000 respectively them apart from citation.

Accordingly, those who have scored high marks in some subjects  will be considered for consolation awards.

For more details, those interested can email [email protected] or else  contact Naveeen Karkera (00973-36769222) or Suresh Amin [00973-39206045].


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