In a heartbreaking turn of events, a 24-year-old woman in Bengaluru took the life of her two-year-old daughter and attempted suicide, citing marital discord as the underlying cause. The distressing incident unfolded at their residence in the city’s Whitefield area.
The couple, originally hailing from Andhra Pradesh, found themselves entangled in frequent arguments due to their troubled marriage. On March 17, while her 31-year-old husband, Lakshminarayan, was away for a morning walk, the woman, identified as Chinna, suffocated her daughter with a pillow.
Subsequently, she locked all the doors and made an attempt to end her own life by wrist-slitting and self-immolation. Despite the ordeal, Chinna survived the suicide attempt and is currently receiving medical treatment at a local hospital.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police in Whitefield revealed that the couple had relocated to Bengaluru from Andhra Pradesh some time ago. Chinna, a homemaker, and Lakshminarayan, employed at a private software company, struggled to reconcile their differences, culminating in this tragic incident.
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