Courtesy:DCKoppal:The steady increase in number of HIV infected individuals in the district has caused serious worries among the people . With total of 112 HIV/AIDS positive cases having been reported in the month of September alone.
The officials of the health and family welfare department who know that unprotected sex is the main reason for people getting infected with the dreaded disease,said that they are getting the exact number of infected people.
A total of 553 people contracted HIV/AIDS from April 2013 till September.From 2007 till September, 2013, as many as 11,240 people have tested positive for HIV. Of them, 5215 are men and 4726 women.
About 782 children have contracted the disease from their parents. Ten transgenders and 580 pregnant women are suffering from HIV/AIDS, according to statistics furnished by the district health department.
A total of 92 HIV cases were reported in the district in August, 2013 alone while 112 cases have been reported in September.
District HIV/AIDS control officer Dr.S.K. Desai said that patients are coming forward for blood examination on their own and the details of such patients will be kept secret.