News Karnataka
Sunday, June 30 2024

Tragic Death of Young Man Near City Bus Stand

New Project 2024 05 01t131619.719
Photo Credit : Google

In a heartbreaking incident, a young man collapsed and tragically passed away near the city bus stand. The deceased has been identified as Badiyappa, aged 37. Reports suggest that he collapsed due to extreme heat, succumbing to the adverse weather conditions.

Social worker Nityananda Olakadu promptly intervened, rushing Badiyappa to the hospital in an attempt to save his life. However, despite their efforts, Badiyappa tragically breathed his last on the way to the hospital.

Police Involvement and Investigation

A case has been registered at the city police station in connection with this unfortunate incident. Authorities are likely to investigate the circumstances surrounding Badiyappa’s collapse and subsequent demise, aiming to ascertain any factors that may have contributed to this tragic outcome.

The community mourns the loss of Badiyappa, and efforts may be made to raise awareness about the dangers of extreme heat and the importance of taking necessary precautions during such conditions to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

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