In a concerning incident, a web camera installed at Polling Booth Number 228, situated at the Gopalakrishna Aided Higher Primary School in Thekkar village of Belthangady taluk, has been reported stolen. Along with the camera, the SIM card and memory card were also taken. A formal complaint has been registered at the Uppinangady police station regarding this matter.
Incident Details
The web camera was installed on April 24 and had diligently recorded all activities at the booth until 8 pm on April 26, the day of polling. On April 29, following instructions from higher authorities, staff members went to retrieve the camera only to discover its absence.
Despite the old age of the school door and being securely locked, the thieves managed to gain entry by pushing the door and then proceeded to steal the camera by disconnecting the cables.
Police Response and Ongoing Investigation
Booth level election officer Mohammad Siyab promptly lodged a police complaint. The Uppinangady police arrived at the scene and have initiated an investigation into the matter.