News Karnataka
Saturday, February 08 2025

Suicide by Polytechnic student sparks protest

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Udupi: The alleged suicide of a polytechnic student who could not go ahead with his third semester  due to the changed carry-over system, has  led to intensified protests by the student community which has been staging protests since the past few days against the  changes brought about by the government in the carry-over system.

Sources said Santosh Kumar (20), son of Sundari and Pratibha Jatanna, residents of Sagri, had ended his life by hanging himself in his house. It is learnt, he had failed in five subjects and could not  continue his studies in third semester as per the changed rules.

As his body was taken to KMC Hospital, students rushed towards the hospital and staged a flash protest. The Udupi MLA Pramod Madhwaraj met the agitating students and assured to hold talks with the Education Minister regarding the carry over system.  He also said that the police would probe into the suicide case to ascertain the reason for the suicide.

The students also staged protests near Tiger Circle in Manipal and in front of the Udupi DC office. The protests  disrupted vehicular traffic for some time.

Polytechnic students had organized a day long hunger strike on August 2, Friday urging the government to  withdraw the changes brought about in the carry-over system.

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