News Karnataka
Friday, January 17 2025

SAC enforces exile of John Baptist Lewis: PUCL protests

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Newskarnatka – Mangalore

Mangalore: The district unit of People Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) held a protest at the entrance of St Aloysius College at Lighthouse Hill, on Thursday December 5.

The protest that was led by PB D’Sa, the President of PUCL at Mangalore branch, accused that the college was trying to evict a person from his house although the college in a press release has confirmed and elucidated that the land has been illegally occupied and it is owned by the college.

The protestors distributed pamphlets to students and public during the protest.

According to the claims made by PUCL a 57-year-old John Baptist Lewis, the adopted son of Alice D’Souza had been living with Alice D’ Souza in peace and harmony since 40 years, at door No 14-1-49, 49a Court ward, Patrao Lane Karangalpady, Mangalore.

However all of sudden, the rector of St Aloysius College has started averring over the ownership of the house. It is also learnt that the college started using goonda methods, by discontinuing power supply and water supply. John Baptist Lewis feared that the priest may demolish his house.

Reportedly the priest and his men have criminally trespassed into house and locked the house which was open by the police and (the) priest was directed to have an amicable settlement. But the priest was adamant and warned them to vacate. The demand of Baptist Lewis is to allow him to live in a portion of the house or allot a proportionate area to live (if) they are planning for a new building. He is not claiming the entire property.
PUCL had tried to meet the rector as well as the Jesuit Provincial who stays at Bangalore and tried for an harmonious settlement, but it was in vain.”
On this occasion Savitha Benedict Louis, Melita Louis, John Baptist Louis and Francis Fernandis were present.

On the other hand in the press release, asserted by the college it stated that during the protest, the protestors were trying to trespass the College premises, obstructing the entrance by keeping placards against the wall, when the College authorities tried to clear the way, PB D’ Sa and John Baptist Lewis attempted to manhandle the staff and the students and also used foul language.

The College administration said, “John Baptist Lewis has been illegally residing in the College premises and refusing to vacate, despite repeated requests. A series of negotiations to this effect also have not borne any fruit. The College has done no injustice to him and has all the documents to prove the ownership of the property which John Baptist Lewis has illegally occupied.”

“The College is only trying to protect the property which lawfully belongs to it and has no other ulterior motifs. Trespassing property of the College using highhandedness is not in keeping with the law of the land. “ they alleged.

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