News Karnataka
Monday, February 10 2025

Ports Minister Chinchanasur visits Gangolli

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Kundapur :  State Minister for Ports Baburao Chinchanasur on June 23, Sunday visited the Gangolli Port as well as Trasi  which is facing acute problem of sea erosion.

On this occasion, the local fishermen  spoke to the minister on the various problems faced by them during monsoons. They said the  accumulation of silt had led to several boat mishaps  endangering lives of fishermen.

The Minister who heard the problems of the fishermen assured solution to their problems. He also stated that he did not believe in just making promises, but in action. On the brake water issue, he said he would take up the matter with Union ministers hailing Veerappa Moily and Oscar Fernandes who hail from the state.

On this occasion, Chinchanasur also visited Trasi where a park set up by the Tourism Department has been partially washed away due to sea erosion. He assured to consult the Chief Minister on the issue and get  funds sanctioned for rebuilding the park.

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