Newskarnataka – Mangalore
Mangalore: Dr Oscar Fernandes, Union Minister for Transportation, Road & Highways inaugurated the XXVII Statutory Conference of All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organizations (AIFUCTO) organized by AMUCT at 10:30 am on November 30 at Loyola Hall, St. Aloysius PU College.
Nearly 2000 teachers from more than 20 states from all over the country participated in the national seminar on “Changing Paradigms of Higher Education -12th Plan Initiatives” which will be from November 30 until December 2, 2013.
Dr AM Narahari, Chairman, AIFUCTO delivered the welcomed speech.
Addressing the gathering, Dr Oscar Fernandes said, “Teaching in earlier days was different, today it is different and will certainly be very distinct in the coming days; we should be ready for the change to come.”
Quoting the American President Mr. Barak Obama, Oscar said, “The world should be wary of Indian students, who are capable of taking up any challenge that the society throws at them. Teachers have the role to empower the people and in this manner India will become number one, both economically and intellectually.”
After releasing the souvenir, MLA JR Lobo said, “Our country has a rich culture of education and philosophy. Education is the manifestation of the knowledge within us. We need the atmosphere and guidance to unfold the ability within students. This is the duty of teachers to give them that guidance. None of our universities have global fame, today is the day we find where we are going wrong. Unless we show the path to the youth, we are in difficulty. In the next three days, we can think on the lines of upgrading our universities to global standards. I hope Mangalore will set the trend for new policies on higher education.”
Captain Ganesh Karnik, MLC said, “Coastal Karnataka is famous for education. India has a legacy in education. The achievement of ISRO is an eye opener for the entire world.”
Fr Denzil Lobo SJ, Rector, St Aloysius Institutions, highlighted the problem with the current education system where there is no link between primary, higher secondary and higher education, which is causing an anomaly in the quality of education.
Dr. Norbert Lobo, President AMUCT proposed the vote of thanks.
The National Seminar will be inaugurated at 10.30 am on December 1, 2013 by Sri Abhayachandra, Minister of State for Fisheries and Youth Services. Rev. Fr.Swebert D’Silva, Principal, St. Aloysius College (Autonomous) will preside over. Prof. RaviSrivastava, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi and Prof. Sudhanshu Bhushan, NUEPA (National University for Educational Planning and Administration) will present their view points on issues concerning higher education.The Conference aims to highlight the various issues of higher education and Movement Resolutions will be passed.
Former Leaders of AIFUCTO, FUCTAK and AMUCT will be felicitated at 6 pm on November 30, 2013. Cultural program have been organized at 6.30 pm in the evening.