News Karnataka
Friday, February 07 2025

Meet the amphibian bicycle boy, Rizauddin

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A dream is not the one which comes in sleep but the one which does not let you sleep. Meet this boy Rizauddin, who has worked for six months and has made his dream come true.

Rizauddin, a boy studying in 10th std. in Infant Jesus Joyland School has made his parents and school proud by inventing the amphibian cycle which operates both on water as well as on land.

This bicycle moves with the help of Pelton wheel. One side of the bicycles front wheel is covered with stainless steel and the other side is open, which will enable the rider to move in left or right direction

The demonstration of the bicycle was held in the Mangala stadium swimming pool where a huge crowd cheered the young lad, who was riding the bicycle on water.

Later by taking his teammates Hilmee , Sharan , and Rahil on a ride, he proved the efficiency of the bicycle.

After the demonstration, a press meet was held and Mr. Abdul Raheem explained the journey of this young scientist since his childhood and he thanked the head mistree Mrs. Agnes Pinto and science teacher Mrs. Smitha for supporting his son.

Later, Rizauddin explained the mechanism and efforts behind the invention and his upcoming projects like living in water without the external oxygen by extracting oxygen from water.

So lets wish good luck for this young lad who has a bright future ahead.

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