Mangalore:The vessel belonging to a Mangalorean, named vessel‘Madonna’ that had left for Lakshadweep island from Mangalore, has reportedly capsized near the Androte island on October 26, Saturday.
Of the five men on board, two have swam ashore to safety while three are missing. All the crew are said to be of Tamil Nadu origin.
The vessel was owned by Rafique had left to Lakshadweep from Mangalore port with the Cargo of cement, jelly and food materials on 24th October. As per the schedule, the ship had to reach Lakshadweep within 26 hours but did not reach its destination. Later it was said to be capsized. The loss has been estimated at Rs 50 lakhs.
Search is on for the missing crew namely Maria Antony Selva Kumar, Satish Karnal and Selva Kumar. Two others who swam ashore are Ama Maria and Harish.