News Karnataka
Friday, February 14 2025

ISRO Chairman must be sacked for OFFENDING Constitution : Rationalists Assn.

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NewsKarnataka-Media Release

Mangalore : The Federation of Indian Rationalists’ Association has strongly condemned the attitude of the Chairman of ISRO K.Radhakrishnan who has insulted the Constitution of India by placing the replica of the satellite meant for the Mars mission at the feet of a deity at Tirupathi. The Federation has said that  Radhakrishna is unfit to occupy the position of the head of the space mission and should be immediately sacked.



In a press release, Prof. Narendra Nayak, President of the Federation observed that Radhakrishna has perhaps forgotten that ours is secular republic and that worship of a deity belonging to one particular religion particularly in matters of state is negating this very basic tenet of our constitution. “He has also forgotten article 51AH which states that it is the duty of every citizen to develop scientific temper and the spirit of enquiry and humanism. I don’t know which principle of science is applicable to the act of placing a replica of the satellite at the feet of a statue at a temple. Again, if we quote his own words-We have to understand a lot from the solar system etc. If this is the case we have to also go a long way to understand how a person like him in a responsible position in a govt. organisation can be  foolish enough to believe that prayers to particular god can ensure the proper launch of a satellite. I don’t know who is responsible for the failures in such a scenario!,” Prof. Nayak said.

He further said the Federation wants immediate sacking of the ISRO Chairman  for offending the  constitution of country. “If he were to go a temple for his personal work we would have no reason to object at all. But, carrying his personal superstition into matters of the State is a crime against our constitution,” Prof. Nayak said.

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