Mangalore: New Office Bearers of 2013-14 of the Rotary Club was installed and introduced yesterday at Hotel Maya International , Bendorwell.
President Rtn. Nagaraj Kamath escorted the Chief Guest Mr. H.R Alva and the Club Secretary Rtn PHF Anil Baliga to accompanied Asst.Governor. Rtn.Dr. Arvind Bhat to dais. Also asked IPP. Rtn. DeepakKumar to occupy the dais.
Sergeant at arms Rtn. Ganesh Prabhu to collared the President , later the president called the meeting to order.
Invocation was done by Club Anns. After invocation Rtn. Suraj Hebbar introduced Chief guest H.R. Alva.Rtn Siraj to introduced AG Rtn Dr. Arvind Bhat.
The Secretarys Report was presented by club secretary Rtn. Anil Baliga. Later followed by the Presidents Thanks giving Speech.
The installation of new office bearers was done by A.G. Rtn. Dr. ArvindBhat and it is as follows:
Sergeant at Arms:Ganesh Prabhu
Treasurer: Guruduth Bhagvath
Chairman Pulse Polio: Jayaraj Manari
TRF Chairman: Ganapathy Shenoy
Director Vocational Service: Siraj
Director community Service: Anil Baliga
Director International Service: Suraj Hebbar
Director Youth Service: Ekanath Dandekeri
Director Club Service: Deepak Kumar
Club Trainer: Srikanth Nayak
Bulletin Editor: Sudhir Bhandarkar
In Past President: Nagaraj Kamath
Vice President: Venkatesh Prabhu
Club Secretary: Subhash Nayak
President: Rohan Colaco
President Rtn. Rohan Colaco proposed the acceptance speech and also announced the projects of the day.
Introduction and induction of new Members:
*.Dheeraj Shetty introduction by Rtn. Ventakesh Prabhu
*.Arun Goveas introduction by Rtn. Ganapathi Shenoy
*.Ullal introduction by Rtn. Deepak Kumar
*.Mujumdar ntroduction by Rtn. Balakrishna Alse
E – Bulletin was released by AG Rtn Dr. Arvind Bhat (editor, Rtn. Sudhir Bhandarkar) . Year ahead club secretary Rtn. Subhash Nayak and chief guest H.R. Alva were asked to address the gathering
At the end of the event the mementos were handed over to AG and Chief guest.
Vote of Thanks was proposed bt Rtn. Sudhir Bhandarkar.Finally the event concluded after the National anthem
There were three more charity programmes conducted in the morning at various places and they are:
1.Donation of desks and benches to navachetana school neermarga worth Rs. 95000
2.Donation to school mangaljyothi integrated for specially challenged Rs.28000
3.Donation of books to ramashram konchady Rs.38000
4.Donation to flood relief fund Rs.41000
5.Teachers salary to pandeshwar school Rs.30000