News Karnataka
Tuesday, February 11 2025

House burgled in Vittal; valuables worth lakhs stolen

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Bantwal : Thieves who broke into a house at Netrakere in Vittal Kasaba village on   have decamped with valuables worth several lakhs of rupees. The theft came to light  when the owner of the house returned on September 16, Monday night.

The theft occurred in the house of K Ravindra Kamath, the manager of Ganesh Beedies in Puttur. Thieves who entered the house after dislodging the roof tiles, had broken three almirahs and had stolen an expensive Rado watch worth Rs one lakhs apart from a cash of Rs 45000. Though there is suspicion that the thieves might have even stolen jewels, it is yet to be ascertained as women in the house have not yet returned.

The family members had been to a relative’s house in Mangalore, while  Ravindra Kamath used to be in the house. However, he too was away since a week and the theft came to light when he returned on Monday night. Vittal police have visited the house.

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