Moodbidri : A harvest festival was celebrated with gaiety at Vidyagiri in Moodbidri on December 13, Friday, as a prelude to the much awaited Alva’s Vishwa Nudisiri Virasat which is to kick start on December 19. The freshly grown paddy stock and also vegetables from the Bakimaru fields at Vidyagiri were brought to the college premises where they were offered the traditional pooja.
Sudhaker Poonja of Mijar placed the paddy stocks at the main entrance of the institutions at Vidyagiri. Dr M Mohan Alva, Chairman of Alva’s education Foundation, sprinkled Theertha water and smeared sandalwood paste on them. He then poured milk over the paddy stock which was later tied to the pillar at the main entrance.
Anadka Dinesh Kumar, Trustee of the Basadis, Muralidhar LH, SKDRDP officer, Sunitha Sucharitha Shetty, ZP member, Handeluguttu Dhanakeerthi Balipa, President of the local unit of Raitha Sangha, Raghuram Shetty, District Secretary, KP Sucharitha Shetty, former ZP Chief, Rajavarma Bailangady, former president of Krishi Vichara Vinimaya Kendra, Chandrahas Devadiga of Tulu Koota, Mijarguttu Srinivas Alva, Edward Rebello Thakode, State Award winning farmer, Prof. Kurien, Principal of Alva’s College and others were present.
Alva’s Siri Suggi was held at Vidyagiri on September 6 in order to develop a love for farming among youngsters. Paddy seeds were also sown in Baikamaru fields in the traditional methods of farming. There will be Kambala sport, demonstration on tilling etc as part of Krishi Mela at Vidyagiri during Alva’s Nudisiri Virasat.