Mangalore :Eminent scientist Padmavibhushan Dr Roddam Narasimha has been chosen for the coveted MRPL Karnataka Rajyotsava Award-2013.
Informing this to reporters here on December 14, Saturday, Sudarshan, Deputy General Manager of MPRL said the Award carries a cash prize of Rs 25000 and a citation and will be presented to Dr Narasimha by PP Upadhya, Managing Director of MRPL, at MRPL Club Lawn on December 15, Sunday as part of Nada Habba 2013.
Dignitaries including Vishnu Agrawal,Director(Finance),V.G Joshi, Director(Refinery) and Y Ravindranath will participate in the function.
The Award presentation ceremony will be followed by Sangeetha Sampada a musical concert by MD Pallavi and team.
Earlier recipients of MRPL Rajyotsava Awards are Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar, Dr Jayanth Kaikini, Amritha Someshwar, Balipa Narayana Bhagavatha, Dr M Mahadevappa and Srinath Marathe.
Lakshmi M Kumaran, Deputy General Manager(Corporate Communications), MRPL was also present.