News Karnataka
Friday, January 17 2025

Do not fall in love through Facebook ! Distraught youths advice to youngsters

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Puttur : This case can be a good lesson to everyone, both young and old who are Facebook addicts and get carried away by many factors.

This is the case of a youth from  Bangalore who fell in love with a girl reportedly of Puttur origin but worked in Bangalore, through Facebook and eventually lost all his earnings and savings which he had  willingly transferred to his lady love’s account whenever she demanded.

Today, he is lying on the hospital bed in Puttur, repenting his action and also  for neglecting his aged mother out of his blind love towards a girl he had never seen.

Ravi hailing from  Nelamangala in Bangalore is a B.Com graduate and is an electrician. He was quite well off, owned a lorry and had given it on hire to a friend. But   things took a different turn when he came into contact with a girl from Puttur who worked for a private factory in Bangalore. Soon they chatted and chatted for hours together and Ravi was totally in love with her and blindly transferred funds to her account whenever she asked for. He says he has transferred at least Rs 13 to 14 lakhs to her account.

 Ravi was recently found in a critical state on the roadside at Nelyady and admitted to a Puttur hospital in a 108 Ambulance. He said  he had come to Mangalore in search of a job and also his girl friend. But, when he could not find both, he had boarded  a bus to Bangalore, but missed the bus which had halted at Uppinangady. Not knowing what to do, he had attempted suicide by consuming poison.

Ravi who has learnt a lesson, has a piece of advice to Facebook fans, “Never fall in love through Facebook!”

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