News Karnataka
Sunday, February 16 2025

Dengue menace: PHCs in Bantwal face trouble due to staff shortage

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Bantwal : Monsoons has brought untold vagaries to Bantwal. To top the problem is the menace of Dengue which has already claimed the life of a social worker named Ramanna Kottary at Poopadikatte in Navoor.

Kottary  died at a private hospital at Derlakatte on June 25, Tuesday after he was admitted to the hospital when he developed fever for the second time in a span of a few days.

However, District Malaria Control Officer  Dr Arun says it cannot be confirmed that it is a Dengue case until the medical examination  report is obtained. But, the report by private hospital doctors state  he was tested positive for Dengue.

A total of 18 Dengue cases have been detected so far in Bantwal. Officials say they have taken precautionary measures like fogging in several places and are also creating awareness regarding the disease among the people.

At the same time, there is no denying that the taluk health department is facing shortage of staff. One instance is the PHC at Daivasthala where the existing staff is finding it difficult to cope with the increasing number of patients. This PHC covers three villages and any patient who is unable to get treatment here will have to travel to Bantwal or BC Road.

The Primary Health Centre at Daivasthala presently have one medical officer, a nurse, a junior lab technician, a D group employee and two junior health assistants while it ought to have a staff strength of 15.

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