Pics By:Ashwin Gatti
Mangalore:A cash of Rs 9.24 lakh has been stolen from Marcon Overseas Company, wholesale distributors for Hindustan Lever soap products at Kallaup near Thokkottu on October 10, Thursday night. The firm was running under joint partnership.
It has been learnt that a cash of Rs 9.24 lakh accrued out of sales which was kept in the cupboard was stolen by the thieves. The thieves gained entry into the firm by breaking the metal net of the window. The thieves have also decamped with the CCTV camera, hard disk and server apart from the punching machine used for staff attendance.
Police suspect that the theft might have been committed by some people known to the firm. Ullal police summoned finger print experts and sniffer squad to the spot.
Investigations are underway.