News Karnataka
Friday, February 07 2025

Besant evening college to organize a national seminar

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Mangalore:The Besant evening college will organize a national seminar on “Effective Partnerships between Commercial Banks and Micro financial Institution” on 12th of September said Dr. Carmelita Goveas, the principal of the college.

She was addressing the media in the press meet held in the press club of Mangalore.

She said, “Catering the need to create an awareness to popularize the micro-finance among the commercial banks, the college is organizing a two day UGC sponsored national seminar on “Effective Partnerships between commercial Banks and Micro finance institution” on 12th of September 2013 in the college premises.

The main objective of the seminar is to provide a common platform to students, academicians, bankers, micro-finance institutions, NGO’s and self-help groups involved in micro-finance for discussion and debate on the main theme of building effective partnerships between commercial banks and micro-finance institutions.”

“The event will be inaugurated by general manager of corporation bank ltd., Mr. Karthikeyan VS, at 9:30 AM and the key note address will be rendered by  Dr. A Krishna Reddy who represents the Apex body of Micro-finance sector, Hyderabad,” she added.

Dr. Vaasappa Gowda, college librarian, Prof. Ganapathi Bhat, HOD dept. of English, Prof. Ishwar Poojary convener of the seminar, were present at the occasion.

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