NewsKarnataka-Media Release
Moodbidri:Alvas Vishwa Nudisiri Virasath, along with various path breaking ventures, has organized a national Level Photography contest.The contest focuses on the cultural Events of India and the prize amount is Rs. 10,000/ ,Rs. 7,000 and Rs.5,000 for the first,second and third places respectively.The photo competition will be on four themes, namely Cultural India, Rural India, Landscapes of India and Tourism Spots of India.There will be 10 consolation prizes in each section.
Online photo sending, a unique arrangement has been introduced for the first time in Nov.15 is the last date for accepting photographs.
Contestants may send their photos through The photographs of winners as well as photos selected for exhibition will be displayed during Alva’s Vishwa Nudisiri Virasath.
Judges of International repute such as Tippeswamy Mysore, S.R. Satyanarayan Bangalore and Srinivas will be part of the proceedings.
50 Photos of Famous Photographers
It has been arranged to compile and exhibit the photographs of fifty renowned photographers. Along with this, photos constructed by reputed photographers during Virasath too will be exhibited. Heritage
Cameras have been arranged for better viewing.
Dr. Virendra Hegde Photo Exhibition
There will be a photo exhibition of valuable photographs clicked by Dr. Virendra Hegde during Alva’s
Alva’s Nudisiri Virasat National Photography Contest will be presided over by Dr. Mohan Alva, honoray president, Yajna Magalore President, Chief Secretary Astro Mohan and Secretary Jinesh.