Mangalore : Aditya Shetty of Besant Evening College has been elected President of the All College Students Union(Affiliated to ABVP) for the year 2013-14. The installation ceremony of the new office bearers was held at Sanghaniketan. Noted advocate Padmaprasad Hegde inaugurated the program.
In his address, he urged students not to be averse to politics and urged the student community to have a good knowledge about political science.
Capt. Brijesh Chowta, Harish Achar, former Syndicate member, Mahipal BK, ABVP city unit Organising Secretary, Yatish Kumar, District Co-Convenor, Shubha, lady students wing Pramukh, Agneya Chaktravarthi, Nitin, Vidyadhar, Krishik and others were present.
Durgesh, former convenor, welcomed and Anushka compered the programme.
The following new office bearers were elected Secretaries : Rakshith Shetty of Narayan Guru College, Vijith Shetty of Belthangady Kalpataru College; Convenor : Manish of SDM College, Co-Convenor : Vishwas of Gokarnanatheshwara College, Vice President : Sachin of SDM Law College, Shashikiran Nayak of Canara College, Dheeraj of Govinda Dasa College. Assistant Secretaries : Rakesh of Ramakrishna College, Diwaker of University College, Sairaj of Kavoor Govt College, Vishal of KPT and Ranjan Pareppady of NMC, Sullia.
Cultural Secretary L: Rekha of University College, Sports Secretary : Kokil of Gokarnanatheshwara College, Organising Secretary : Avinash B of SDM College.
District President : Jithesh Devadiga of Gokarnanatheshwara College, Vice President : Prajwal of Vivekanand College, District Secretary : Sudhith of Canara College. District PG President : Shravan Kumar of Mangalore University.