News Karnataka
Friday, February 14 2025

30-Years on – Kasargod District Faces Mirage of Challenges for Devt

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Kasargod : Despite Kasargod district completes 29 years ago on May 24 1984, it faces the mirage challenges for developments.   

The long-pending demand to create new taluks in the district by the people remained unfulfilled.  Meanwhile, its after a lapse of 29 years, the state authorities announced 2 more taluks – Manjeshwar and Vellarikundu.  The district had so far only 2 taluks – Hosdurg and Kasargod.  However, to develop the basic infrastructure at these newly created taluks likely to take some more years.

In spite of several projects were announced for the district, it is lagging in education, healthcare and rural development spheres.  The potentials of tourism has not been tapped by the authorities except developing the infrastructure in tourism spot of Bekal fort which contributed for the backwardness of district. 

Although the district has abundance of natural resources, endosulfan issue has caused spread damage among the families living on cashew plantations. Thousands of families were affected with disabilities and other ailments owing to spraying endosulfan disinfectant on cashew plantation by aircrafts assigned by state authorities with least concern for the health of locals.

The water resources are polluted with endosulfan and the victims families are staging struggle for compensations since over a decade.

The state authorities are likely to give nod for developing Manjeshwar port, setting up KINFRA and HAL units in Sitangoli are likely to bring rapid pace of industrialization in the district.  It has not found solution to burning issues such as railway zone, roads and other issue.  All the governments that governed in the past lacked the long range plans to develop the district.  Meanwhile, the time has come to focus on these vital aspects.



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