News Karnataka
Friday, June 28 2024

Dog Walker Harasses Golden Retriever in Elevator

Photo Credit : Google

A dog walker was captured on camera viciously beating a golden retriever in an apartment building’s elevator in Gurugram. The footage is startling. The event reportedly occurred on May 9 at Orchid Gardens in Sector 54.

The man, who appears to be a dog walker, is seen in the video striking the dog with a litter scoop. He continued striking the dog’s head without pausing. As the video continues, it becomes clear that the man is striking the dog in the head after catching its jaws in the litter scoop.

Vidit Sharma, an X user, shared the CCTV clip and said, “It’s alarming to see animal cruelty on the rise with little attention from mainstream media.” Ignoring it just makes our animal buddies more aggressive.

It is time to voice our opinions and act. Let’s safeguard the welfare of both people and animals.
Sharma revealed the specifics of the individual who was seen striking the family dog in a different thread. The WhatsApp screenshot claims that the man’s owners were notified and that the appropriate measures are being taken against him.

With more than 60,000 views, the horrific video became viral on social media. One person responded to it by saying, “What the hell. Is he under arrest? Why do people use worthless walkers? Take care of your own pet, for heaven’s sake. “Poor kid,” another user said. My heart hurts so much with each hit. How unkind.

A third user responded, saying, “Action needs to be taken against this person who might be doing it for some perverted sense of fun.”
Two men were taken into custody in February 2023 following the viral video of them hitting and kicking a puppy at a Thane, Maharashtra, pet clinic. As one of the staff members recorded the incident, the video shows the workers repeatedly hitting the Chow Chow dog in the face.

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