Prime Video India debuted the preview of “Ae Watan Mere Watan” on Monday, showcasing Sara Ali Khan in the lead role. The streaming service released the nearly three-minute trailer on its YouTube channel. The film revolves around the events of the Quit India Movement of 1942, portraying Sara’s character, Usha, as she battles against British rule to liberate the nation.
The trailer immerses viewers in the pre-independence era, introducing 22-year-old Usha, a college student in Bombay. Driven by her desire to aid India’s struggle for freedom, she establishes an underground radio station, which becomes instrumental in fueling the Quit India Movement. Through Usha’s journey, the trailer emphasizes the bravery, sacrifices, and ingenuity of the country’s youth during its fight for independence.
“Ae Watan Mere Watan” draws inspiration from real events, narrating a crucial chapter from India’s fight for independence. Produced by Karan Johar and Apoorva Mehta’s Dharmatic Entertainment and directed by Kannan Iyer, the patriotic thriller-drama features Sachin Khedekar, Abhay Verma, Sparsh Shrivastav, Alexx O’ Nell, and Anand Tiwari in significant roles, with a special appearance by Emraan Hashmi. The screenplay is penned by Kannan and Darab Farooqui.
The film is slated to premiere exclusively on Prime Video in India and in over 240 countries and territories worldwide on March 21, available in Hindi with dubbed versions in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.
Reflecting on her role, Sara expressed her gratitude, stating, “Portraying such a powerful character in ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’ has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Stepping into the shoes of my character, delving into her psyche, and comprehending her motivations has been both humbling and empowering.” She continued, “The film pays tribute to the countless unsung heroes who made sacrifices for our nation and underscores the resilience of the human spirit.”
Sara extended her appreciation to director Kannan Iyer, the Dharmatic Entertainment team, and Prime Video for the opportunity to be part of this cinematic journey. She emphasized the film’s celebration of the nation’s unwavering spirit, particularly that of its youth, eagerly anticipating its global release on March 21.
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