In a recent occurrence of road rage in Greater Noida, a group of individuals in a BMW pursued another car over a significant distance during the late hours of the night. The unsettling event, which transpired on May 2 at approximately 1 am along the Greater Noida Expressway, was recorded by the dashboard camera of the targeted vehicle. The footage depicts a distressed family, purportedly en route to a medical facility, urgently appealing for assistance.
According to reports, the ordeal commenced when a BMW sedan recklessly overtook a Ford EcoSport on the wrong side of the road, narrowly avoiding a collision by mere inches. Despite the EcoSport driver refraining from any retaliation, the BMW executed a U-turn and commenced tailing the vehicle.
Sensing the perilous pursuit, the EcoSport driver maneuvered away from a Y-junction, prompting the BMW to intercept and halt in its path. Subsequently, three individuals alighted from the BMW and advanced toward the EcoSport, prompting the victim to opt for evasive action to avoid a potential confrontation.
Goons in BMW attacked family at 1 AM in Greater Noida, this is so scary man, also shows the importance of dashcam
byu/D_Invincible inCarsIndia
The harrowing chase ensued, with the victim driving at considerable speeds while passengers inside the vehicle urgently sought aid. Moments later, the BMW once again overtook the EcoSport, disgorging its occupants who launched projectiles at the targeted car. Reacting swiftly, the victim executed a decisive maneuver to evade further escalation of the situation.
Throughout the ordeal, occupants of the EcoSport can be heard urging a halt at a nearby police station, underscoring the severity of the encounter. The entire sequence of events unfolded over a tense period of 10 minutes along the deserted expressway.
Following the circulation of the video footage capturing the incident, authorities have launched an investigation into the matter.
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