News Karnataka
Thursday, February 13 2025

The Kranti Moment For Every Indian Women

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By Dr Shalip Kaveriappa

September 13 is a remarkable day for women and girl child in the history of India for having got appropriate justice. Justice Yogesh Khanna has given a land mark judgment. It is a clear message to potential rapists to face the same fate if they commit such crime. Death penalty will act as deterrent for gruesome incidents. Women issues are often ignored as a result problems are culminating.

Rape is heinous crime which kills the soul of an individual. A girl is prepared to die with dignity than get raped. Death sentence as put forth by human right activists might not magically disappear rapes but will surely reduce and prevent the crime.

Women issues should be regarded as humanitarian and democratic issue and ensure safety and respect for women. Nirbaya incident shook whole of India and outside .Public opinion expressed on various medias shows people are unanimously in favour of death sentence to the convicts and indeed they deserve harshest possible punishment for the type of assault and torture they meted to her.

People of India are fed up and desperate with the escalating crimes against women..Every girl has become the next victim. Toleration has crossed its level. Thomas Reuter’s foundation legal news service global poll reveals that India is the fourth most dangerous place for women. It is high time for the country to wake up and initiate necessary measures to prevent such heinous crimes before the world pounces on it for violating the rights of women being signatory to universal declaration of human rights.

The court by delivering appropriate justice has sent a strong message to rapists to stop such crime and respect women.
It is vital that the government should also implement the recommendations made by Justice Verma Committee to reform police and investing in education to change attitudes about women.

Let us hope this incident will instill fears in the potential rapists and prevent such crimes in future. We have to thank the media, civil society police and judiciary for assisting in delivering justice to women and India.

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