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Sunday, June 30 2024
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Viral Video Of Watermelon Chicken Biryani Leaves Internet Divided

Photo Credit : Instagram

If there’s a dish universally adored in India, it’s the aromatic, piping-hot biryani. With India’s rich culinary tapestry, each state boasts its own unique take on this beloved delicacy, be it chicken or mutton. But like any culinary tradition, biryani has seen its share of creative twists. Enter Barbie biryani and, more recently, Watermelon Chicken Biryani, which went viral in a video shared by Instagram’s @villagefoodchannel_official.

The video showcases the unconventional process: starting with washing and dicing watermelons, then mashing them to extract juice. After straining out the fibers, the cooks move on to washing chicken pieces and preparing a rich masala base with onions, spices, and ginger-garlic paste. Once the chicken is cooked with the spices, the surprise addition occurs: a container of watermelon juice is poured into the mix, followed by basmati rice. Finally, a flavorful tempering is added to complete the dish.

The video has caused quite a stir, amassing 400K likes and over 81 lac views. Reactions range from fascination to skepticism. Some viewers question the fusion, deeming it a waste of watermelon or a departure from traditional biryani’s sanctity. Others express curiosity or disdain, while a few adventurous souls express a desire to taste this intriguing concoction.

In a world where culinary experimentation knows no bounds, Watermelon Chicken Biryani serves as both a testament to creativity and a divisive departure from tradition.

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