News Karnataka
Monday, July 01 2024
Business News

Amul Issues Alert on Misleading Milk Quality Video

Photo Credit : Google

A video that casts doubt on the quality of Amul milk is making the rounds on social media. A statement in “public interest” was released by the dairy company on their official Instagram handle. They labeled the video a “fake post” and stated that it was being used to “create misinformation and spread unnecessary fear and concern among consumers.” The video was made in 2019 and seems to be making a comeback. Amul posted a screenshot of the video along with the statement, “This is to inform you that a video about Amul Milk is being shared on social media and WhatsApp. The packaging date displayed in the video, which is December 14, 2019, indicates that the video was shot in 2019.

Further, Amul explained that such changes in the milk can happen if it is “not stored as per the storage instructions” and can happen with any brand of milk. “The problem shown in this video is a common issue in any brand of milk. This happens due to an increase in the acidity of the milk if not stored as per the storage instructions. It is clear from the video that the milk was subjected to heat during which it started to curdle (form small specks of casein particles) which started to aggregate due to continuous stirring. We understand that this phenomenon of stirring was continued for some time which resulted in the formation of a cheese/paneer-like mass and clear separation of whey (which can be observed as a greenish liquid in the pan during the extraction of the coagulated mass).”

Amul expressed a request to customers not to succumb to this “misinformation and spread unnecessary fear,” saying, “This video has been used to create misinformation and spread unnecessary fear and concern among consumers.” We respectfully ask that you forward this message to your loved ones and tell them how wonderful Amul Milk is. Please contact our toll-free number if you have any questions.”

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