Recently, a video of her young son having fun during his summer vacation and playing in her office while she worked was shared by an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer. Pamela Satpathy posted the video on X (previously Twitter) on Thursday. In the video, her son, donning a red cape and a blue Superman T-shirt, is seen jumping around while standing atop her enormous work desk. Even when his mother is still working, he gives heroic speeches.
While posting the short clip, Ms Satpathy humorously said that summer vacation becomes the most “dreaded time of the year” when you are a mother of a boy. “The most awaited time of the year has now become the most dreaded time of the year. SUMMER VACATION. POV: You are a Boy Mum,” she wrote in the caption of the post.
The most awaited time of the year has now become the most dreaded time of the year.
SUMMER VACATION 🤕🤒POV: You are a Boy Mum🥹#parenting #vacations
— Pamela Satpathy (@PamelaSatpathy) April 11, 2024
Ms Satpathy shared the clip on Thursday. Since then, it has accumulated more than 370,000 views and nearly 2,000 likes.
The post has sparked a debate in the comments section. While some users lauded Ms Satpathy for balancing work life with childcare, others wondered if IAS officers are allowed to bring their kids to their officers.
“Gives immense happiness to see such posts from a bureaucrat, kudos ,managing both professional and family life is never easy,” wrote one user. “Madam, I think it’s the most memorable time for kids spending time with their parents. Don’t miss it. Time will never come back madam,” expressed another. “Wish female working professionals get “mandatory leave ” during kids summer school vacation time,” commented a third.
However, one user asked, “Shame? An IAS officer shows her dancing boy in her office. Can a subordinate officer do the same? and will this IAS officer allow them? Is this public office meant for the public or the dance floor?”
Another wrote, “Is it allowed to take kids to the workplace like that!!! Workplace should have creches but kids are not allowed to play inside govt offices with govt staff. After all, public servants are paid with tax payers money!!! Can a low ranking lady staff will be given such privilege!!!”
“Sorry to say, and i’m aware many may not agree with me on this, but i feel it’s very unprofessional of her. The IAS post or the big table coming with it isn’t meant for her personal pleasure and her son’s playground,” remarked one user.
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