In Bengaluru on Monday evening, torrential rain and strong winds caused a piece of an under-construction building to collapse on top of a 17-year-old girl who received severe head injuries and her mother who broke fractures. The event happened within...
Know MoreA mother's love knows no bounds; it embodies courage, sacrifice, compassion, and boundless affection. Moms are the unsung superheroes, willing to go to any lengths...
Know MoreImagine walking out of your house to be greeted by a leopard walking near a wall, and this is what the residents at a housing...
Know MoreIn a tragic incident, a family member of a house in Dogganal Village of Holalkere Taluk in Chitradurga District escaped unhurt after the walls of...
Know MoreThe Slum Clearance Board has released Rs. 20 lakh for the construction of a retaining wall and an additional Rs. 8 lakh has been released...
Know MoreThe boundary wall in front of the Mangaluru City Corporation building has turned out to be dangerous to the...
Know MoreThree students were killed and three others grievously injured after a bathroom wall of a Government school in Tirunelveli collapsed on Friday December...
Know MoreThree persons died in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore city on Thursday morning allegedly after excessive drinking, police...
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